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Monday, November 21, 2011

Helllo, Guilford News.

When attending a new school, a restaurant, a family dinner, a meeting, or even a church impressions are key. We all want to portray the correct impression and show our right and respectable personality. The thing to remember is that we have different facades. Once we get to know one person it becomes hard for us to alternate. When we a certain impression of a person is conveyed in our minds it becomes hard to change our perception of that person. Not only such but we begin to expect certain things from this person.
Impressions are so important even on a school level. When students like certain teachers or the teacher favors a certain group of student is merely their perceptions of each other. However when something is done by either party that defies expectations a change in the continuum occurs. What do you wonder am I talking about? Well here is an example:
In the November issue of the Guilfordian an update occurred on the case of John Hatch the previous Mathematics teacher here in Guilford.  Of course you might recognize this name from the previous blog post I have published.  Reading the updates I came to realize that impressions can be a harmful matter.

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