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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Media? Really! SMH

While social media could be the best think that has ever happened to the world, or at least in some peoples opinions   believe that it has done nothing but help further deteriorate the world. 

People around the world spend hours and hours online searching, surfing, chatting, tweeting, face-booking, you-tubing, blogging, commenting, and much much more. The essence of living is dis-enthralled, it vanishes. What happened to a good old fashioned book, to family time, and sitting around the table for dinner, as opposed to taking a plate of food to your favorite show. 

Its not only valuable time that has been lost but also etiquette and manners. Take today for example, I was in the library trying to get a paper done and all of a sudden a group of people form and begin their connecting and mingling. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIBRARY!! What has happened to the world. What has come over them, what has caused them to lose their self respect?

But it does not stop here, I was reading one of the blogs I enjoy called Mashable, and its basically a technology blog. Keeps one up to date on the various new inventions and creation, on breaking news and releases etc. Anyway as I was browsing through it I cam across an article about some famous comedian/actor who had made a mistake in tweeting. He had completely dissed a restaurant and their product. 

Of course the editors/ people who watch these kinds of people automatically spotted it and made a post of it. 4 minutes later the the guy tweets another saying I's sorry it was meant as a test to somebody else. 

You see in my logic, if somebody did not have some many social media to keep up with such a mistake/embarrassing would not arise. There would be not such thing as I hit the wrong button, well because frankly there should be only one button!

But to be fair there are the benefits and the disadvantages of social media, as everything else in the world. 

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