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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Future!!!! Oh My

Growing up and going to college means I am now on the hunt for a future. Where better to start that to compile my resume. However I have only just began my independence journey what could I possibly have to put on a resume. Well, the assistants in college make that quiet simple. The college has even set up a site to help us begin our journey of a resume. This site is called Digication, and what we start is our E-Portfolio. Digication allows users to create a community that can learn and grow both inside and outside the classroom.

E- Portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. The fact that is online ensures that it will not be tampered with unless it is by you, and that it will not get lost. The user has the choice of publishing it on the web to the public, or just leaving it him/her self.

This is a fantastic idea! To stay on top of matters, and be able to begin the experience of compiling my treasures of college is great. I have never heard of any such site before, this will truly be my first. I do look forward to using it; it definitely looks like a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


A flying 175 hard plastic disk soaring through the air, striving to travel from point A to point B without interruptions. Such a magnificent feeling when the disk successfully accomplishes its task. Such an amazing feeling when the athlete catches it so swiftly.
The sport in description is known as Ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee was first introduced to me on the day of orientation by a fellow freshman in college.  Frisbee was an  all-time favorite family get together. I had never known that it was an official sport. What a mind blowing realization! Of course I was initially ecstatic; I had finally found something that I actually have played before. Time flew by, and the team practice was right around the corner. What I witnessed after this was astonishing. It was not merely disk throwing, but this sport had rules, techniques, and was like any other sport out there- very competitive. I was somewhat let down, watching the team play so fluently just made realize that I may not be the one for this sport. I was not about to give up, I mean I had just showed up, hence, my involvement with the other fellow teammates. I grab myself a Frisbee and slowly began to learn the techniques, and believe it or not my fear had vanished. It was fun and energizing. I was receiving a workout along with an hour or so of fun. After first practice I had realized my quick judgment of the sport was wrong. I needed to give everything a chance, even the smallest of matters. With this knowledge acquired I hope to try out to other sports, organizations or clubs regardless of how ridicules it might seem. That’s the whole point of college, is it not, the learning and acquiring of new beliefs and views of matters.

To be competle honest though, it is quiet hard to juggle fun and work at the same time. I have personally had a hard time. So anyone that is involved in sth out there, just make sure that you manage your time well!!!! 
Gd Luck  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shocking News In Guilfordian!!!!

Reading the September edition of the Guilfordian I could not help but notice the article about one of the professors. I was bewildered, confused, I couldn’t seem to form a thought about it. It certainly was not a complementary article but rather an unpleasant allegation.

The title itself was a shock: “Guilford Professor arrested, faces secret-peeping charges”. I could not believe my eyes and ears, is this serious? I am a freshman here in college and the idea of one of the professors being a pervert was not welcoming news.

Reading along on through the article I learned that the professor had used a camera pen. A pen is something that a professor should have in his hand/ pocket at all times. How could an object so common, an object used in productivity be twisted and violated to be a matter of wrongfulness.

I also came across the fact that this the professor had in fact more disturbing media on his computer. With this in mind I could not help but wonder why nobody had picked up on that vibe. This makes me angry. A sexual offender being on the Guilford campus, that same campus that is valued for being honest, equal, and safe! I would understand if this offense was committed by an outsider, as in not a professor, but the fact that it is a professor I cannot but help and hold the college responsible.

This just proves to all of us students that professors are not always who they seem. People are not who they seem. We can never know anyone too well and there is no such thing as a perfect human being.

Friday, September 16, 2011

FUn On campus

Despite all the Homework we had, we still decided to go to bingo. It was my first time playing bingo. Go on have your laugh. But it truly was. And it was fantastic!!!

I had seen bingo on TV, played by the elderly for fun, so I had the concept in mind. The program yesterday was hosted in the community center. A sort of lounge area, with a half wooden floor half carpet, kind of like a dance floor I guess; not sure why it was designed as such.
The crowd was not too big, but it was big enough to have fun :)

The prizes where amazing, they included four movies, cannot remember all of them but I definitely know one of them was Harry Potter and the Half Blooded-Prince. Amazing movie! Of course you can not watch a movie without popcorn and so there were four popcorn thingys.There were also four $10 Starbucks gift cards, and a one $15 subway card. There was also two football swag combos, lol, no its not food. This included a miniature, soft football, a towel, and a gym bag. All themed for the panthers, Go panthers!!!
And last but not least there was the board game Apples to Apples which was the big finale, and lets not forget the yummy chocolate and candy in the magic color changing cups.

We played a variety of bingo games, ranging from corners, borders, X, and traditional game. I personally did not win :( Sad I know. But somebody from our group won Apples to Apples, and she just so happens to be a couple of doors down from me. Yipppppeeee. (I don't even know how to play, but YAAAAYYYY)

This was brought to us by the OSLE, and CAB trying to always keep the students engaged and having fun. Trying to help smooth the transition to college life.

This blog was brought to you by Dell, Blogspot, and My Fingers. Hehehehe

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The lovely Food!

The cafeteria at Guilford is located in founders, shown above.  It is basically an open buffet. Which is awesome!!! All you have to do is swipe a card and eat all you can. However sometimes its the same thing over and over which becomes frustrating. The even better part is there is a grill-which has more variety choices, and the Quakeria- which is your choice of pizza, and for a college/school its not that bad.

What I really do love in the cafeteria is that they accommodate the many different backgrounds of people. Whether your a vegetarian, vegan or simply picky there is always something for you. I being a Muslim there are some things I can not eat, like bacon,ham, or any sort of pork. That is why I make good use of the vegetarian section in some aspects.

However if you are really picky eater, or do not like the food provided, then there is a McDonald, Chick-fil-A, Mexican, Chinese, the Carolina Diner, and much more right across the street of Guilford. 

So fellow students there are many varieties it only requires an effort.  :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Guilford's Sanctuary

There comes times when one actually wants to study in the college, and when that time approaches it is good to a nice a quiet place to do so.
The path to the great sanction... Oh la la la

The great entrance

Within the sanction:

Wide area 


Bunch of Books

More Computers

And the reference desk, for anyone that needs help

World Wide 

Awesome chair

Quiet Area

Path to free successes 

Dearly beloved....

Take it from me, when you have a quiet place to study and free resources available to succeed please make the best of them and use them!!!!!