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Monday, November 21, 2011

Helllo, Guilford News.

When attending a new school, a restaurant, a family dinner, a meeting, or even a church impressions are key. We all want to portray the correct impression and show our right and respectable personality. The thing to remember is that we have different facades. Once we get to know one person it becomes hard for us to alternate. When we a certain impression of a person is conveyed in our minds it becomes hard to change our perception of that person. Not only such but we begin to expect certain things from this person.
Impressions are so important even on a school level. When students like certain teachers or the teacher favors a certain group of student is merely their perceptions of each other. However when something is done by either party that defies expectations a change in the continuum occurs. What do you wonder am I talking about? Well here is an example:
In the November issue of the Guilfordian an update occurred on the case of John Hatch the previous Mathematics teacher here in Guilford.  Of course you might recognize this name from the previous blog post I have published.  Reading the updates I came to realize that impressions can be a harmful matter.

College and Drinking, My view!!

College is a great step in one’s life. It represents that this person has become mature, responsible, and knowledgeable. When parents send their children to college one of the first words they say to them “Be safe, don’t do anything stupid”. Of course we all know that these words go right over the kid’s heads. In through one ear and out through the other. These words become as useless as trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.

It is the one of the first things that a teen does when coming to college is experiment with all that was forbidden. After all it is those things that are forbidden that are most desired. Teens begin with their reckless driving, late night partying, extreme procrastination, and drug and alcohol experimenting. With the use of all these factors I feel that the teen belittles him/herself. They become children again in want of the one thing that is harmful. It is truly bewildering to me. Why would a well-educated teen demean him/herself. Where are one’s self-respect, modesty, morality and values?

In class today we discussed many topics, and we all had many different opinions. One of the topics that were focused on was the lowering of the drinking age to 18 instead of 21. In opinion I disagree. Despite the fact that I do not drink, and will never in my life take in a sip, I still held the position of not changing the law. I look out on the streets and observe 21 year olds behavior. I see reckless behavior, drinking till the wee hours of the morning and not taking a smallest bit of responsibility. The one thought that pops in my mind, is that if twenty one year olds are not able to control themselves and drink moderately I can only imagine what the potential eighteen year olds would do. That not to say that there are no eighteen year olds currently doing the same exact thing.

If we allow eighteen year olds than what’s stopping the younger generation. There is enough in the parent’s plates to deal with; adding drinking to the mix is not going to be any easier. I believe that drinking and all the other fall outs of society is a question of morality and ethics. It’s a question of how one wants to be perceived, what he/she has to prove to the world and who he/she is trying to be. There is no such thing as drinking in to have fun or socialize. That is a mere excuse, drinking is drinking and one cup only leads to another. You have fun with friends and family doing something together, and you socialize with some water.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What is the Freshman 15? How can you avoid it?

The whole world cheers for healthy and organic food. However being in college makes it quite difficult to maintain a balanced healthy diet. A student falls to the temptations of fast and convenient foods. Though eating is the body’s energy it’s also the path to destruction of the mind and body. Having a good healthy diet has tremendous effects on the mind, and thus on the outcome in the students scholastic wellness.

Research has proven to me just how difficult it is to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Most freshman’s end up gaining weight, hence the concept of the freshman 15. The concept of the "Freshman Fifteen" was found in 1989 that chronicled a college freshman's fight against weight gain. These 15 pounds of perceived weight gain that has been investigated, analyzed, evaluated, and debated for almost two decades refers to the popular belief that students gain an average of 15 pounds during their first year of college (Carithers-Thomas, Bradford, Keshock, Pugh). Shocking!!! Is it not? This is not exactly the best news freshman’s want to hear. Being a freshman myself I could not help but wonder what it is exactly that causes this weight gain.

As if I don’t already know… Everyone knows why it is they gain unwanted weight. We just choose to deny it. Unless it is a medical issue, the most common factors affecting weight gain are:
Late-night snacking
Cafeteria food selection
Social Eating
Irregular Schedule
General Stress
Decreased Activity
Lack of “Healthy Foods”
Social Drinking
Not too out of the ordinary right? All of these seem to be understandable factors. 

Study has shown that 90% of first year college students are aware of the freshman 15, yet many students chose to ignore the warning signs related to weight gain. Many researchers suggest that this weight gain is attributed to the new-found freedom and accompanying stress associated with the shift to college life  (Carithers-Thomas, Bradford, Keshock, Pugh). Ya think. I’m finally free, no parents telling me not to eat what is unhealthy or to eat my veggies!!! Other researchers claim that the excess weight gain is due to an increase in caloric consumption through the intake of alcohol and unhealthy snacking (Carithers-Thomas, Bradford, Keshock, Pugh).

Along with all these reasons for weight gain, I believe that another reason could be the cafeteria food in the colleges. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s great that we have a cafeteria. I think I am right when I say that we are all grateful for all the help and effort put in by the cafeteria workers. However despite its good intention the cafeteria is health hazard on the students. Navigating the cafeteria can be time consuming and confusing. Keep it simple and keep in mind your fueling basics. I know all the unhealthy options out there: fried foods, greasy burgers, meat-loaded pizza, sugary cereals, bacon, potato chips, and ranch dressing... ( Meg Mangan). All these options seem unhealthy, but the great thing about the cafeteria is that is it has many options. It always has the option of grilled over fried, and almost always has steamed or sautéed veggies. It is only up to the student to choose the healthy choices.

With all the studies conducted it turns out that gaining fifteen pounds is nearly impossible. What a scare I gave you!?! Don’t worry I nearly scarred myself reading all the information. As I read in one article with 49 participants, the average amount gained was only 4.6 pounds, and 36% of the sample actually lost weight during their 1st year of college. In addition, body fat did not change during that year (Graham, Jones). Great news, huh? Nonetheless some did gain, though it might not have been a whole 15 pounds, it was unnecessary weight.

As a freshman in Guilford College, I can assure it is easy to put on those extra pounds. Take for example going to grab a wrap at the grill. Given though a wrap could be made to your exact specifications, it still remains unhealthy. The ingredients are either frozen or canned. To top things off with every wrap you get you are offered either a bag of chips of a fruit. Most of the students go for the chips. Sad fact but true.

A good way to keep off the unwanted weight is to get involved on campus. Keep your mind busy enough to only think of food when it is truly hungry. There is plenty to do and while it is extremely tempting to snack on unhealthy food, one must have the will to resist. Sounds like a suicide mission, I know, I’m shaking my head as we speak. It is doable though. It’s all about choice and will.

Though food plays a crucial role in a student's health, another important factor is stress. A student, especially a college student, is under a lot of stress. With school work, involvement, and the rapid change he/she is exposed to stress is simply inevitable. When a person is under stress, food becomes the long adored friend. Emotional eating comes to play and this becomes a health risk.

Do you see how the two are entwined?
Stressful student =  emotional eater = unwanted weight = more stress
Its a vicious cycle!!

However: Where there is a will there is a way:
I don’t want anybody having this kind of relationship or something like this after their freshman year:
So please have the will to stop!

If you have gained the weight or know somebody who has, here is a way to get rid of it:

Hello. Are you there. Where did every one go? Hope I haven't scared you away?


Graham, Melody A., and Amy L. Jones. "Freshman 15: Valid Theory or Harmful Myth?" Journal of American College Health50.4 Jan. (2002): 171-73. SPORTDiscus. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=s3h&AN=6437119&site=ehost-live>. 

Carithers-Thomas, Jennifer A., Shelley H. Bradford, and Christopher M. Keshock. "Freshman Fifteen: Fact of fiction?" College Student Journal 44.2 June (2010): 419-25. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=s3h&AN=51456646&site=ehost-live>.

Mangano, Meg. "CAFETERIA." Volleyball (10584668) 21.8 Oct. (2010): 34-38. SPORTDiscus with Full Text . Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=s3h&AN=54017145&site=ehost-live>. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

In the Spirit of Halloween (A little late I know)

Don't we all enjoy Halloween dressing up and all the candy. Who doesn't? We all know that children are the ones that get the best kick out of Halloween. 
Daring moms and dads across the U.S. followed the talk show host’s request. They hid their children’s candy and captured their reactions on camera:

I know I would be mad if somebody took my candy. I don't blame them!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bidding, what you really can learn.

Life is full of materialism. It is how one views and cherishes these things in life that it becomes clear what a person cares about. Different people are fond of different things in life. One way to show ones bond to something is through a bidding transaction. In such a transaction it is revealed to the world how far one can go to acquire a certain something. 

From all the different things presented in our bidding transaction in class, it was clear which ones held the most sentimental value to the different students. With only 15,000 dollars to spend, one must choose wisely where to spend the money. Some chose to spend it on materialistic things, or at least in my opinion, such as the most popular or famous person. I chose to spend my money on matters that will benefit not only me but also others. For example I was successful in acquiring the Miracle Medication, in which it was the medication that is used to cure the worst of diseases, such as cancer. I was also successful in acquiring the opportunity to pay back my parents for all the trouble they have gone through. Certain matters like this give you some insight about me. One has the opportunity to understand his opponent.

This can be used in the negative as well the positive manner. In the negative would be if it is known what the bidder is passionate about, and it is known that he/she is relentless then the trick is to have them spend their money. In a positive manner it would be used in acquiring insight about a person and knowing what he/she is passionate about and forming a bond, relationship, or friendship.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Media? Really! SMH

While social media could be the best think that has ever happened to the world, or at least in some peoples opinions   believe that it has done nothing but help further deteriorate the world. 

People around the world spend hours and hours online searching, surfing, chatting, tweeting, face-booking, you-tubing, blogging, commenting, and much much more. The essence of living is dis-enthralled, it vanishes. What happened to a good old fashioned book, to family time, and sitting around the table for dinner, as opposed to taking a plate of food to your favorite show. 

Its not only valuable time that has been lost but also etiquette and manners. Take today for example, I was in the library trying to get a paper done and all of a sudden a group of people form and begin their connecting and mingling. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIBRARY!! What has happened to the world. What has come over them, what has caused them to lose their self respect?

But it does not stop here, I was reading one of the blogs I enjoy called Mashable, and its basically a technology blog. Keeps one up to date on the various new inventions and creation, on breaking news and releases etc. Anyway as I was browsing through it I cam across an article about some famous comedian/actor who had made a mistake in tweeting. He had completely dissed a restaurant and their product. 

Of course the editors/ people who watch these kinds of people automatically spotted it and made a post of it. 4 minutes later the the guy tweets another saying I's sorry it was meant as a test to somebody else. 

You see in my logic, if somebody did not have some many social media to keep up with such a mistake/embarrassing would not arise. There would be not such thing as I hit the wrong button, well because frankly there should be only one button!

But to be fair there are the benefits and the disadvantages of social media, as everything else in the world. 

Course Selection

One of the main parts of college is the courses a student decides to take. Taking a course that the student is interested in makes the year go by a whole lot easier. Choosing classes is also a big hassle. One must have leave their options open for different classes, and be flexible.

In Guilford College the seniors and juniors have the luxury of choosing their classes first. Which in opinion is completely unfair, Guilford cherishes itself on being fair and having equality. Nevertheless, the race to choose classes begins November 14th and is on all the way till 21st. Freshman’s, like myself, are not allowed to begin their race until the 16th.

It is easiest I find to think of the class choosing as an enormous race, the junior and seniors getting a two day head start, choosing all the good classes. Because like all of us know, everyone wants to have the ideal schedule, nobody wants to have the tiresome 8:30 class. So with the seniors all set and way head in the safe zone, out race the sophomores and freshman. The classes that are left will be tackled done. And my readers, this, is the way Guilford allows its students to choose classes.

Woo and behold, there is a benefit. Some classes, not the best of classes, are reserved for those who need to fulfill a requirement. This is good news to us freshman’s, to know that we might after all get a class, and you never know we might actually like it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday is back :|

Monday has strolled around faster than any of us would have wished.
Back to studying and all the papers to write
Back to the mediocre cafeteria food, to the same Grill
Back to routine
Oh my, I for a second there hoped it had all changed
Guess my mind deceived me once more.

Welcome Back Everyone!!!!
Hope the final 8 weeks of first semester go by well for all of us.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I spent my fall break at my uncles with his family. My uncle, a father of 3 young daughters always has a look out for news about kids and schools. So one day while sitting, my uncle tells his girls not to share food with other mates at school, and he quickly explained why.

He had received an email that day informing him about the new way of taking in booze. It was truly shocking to my ears.

Kids all over have been soaking gummies in vodka. The vodka does not evaporate but it is soaked by the gummies and the gummies are now a toxic injection. Kids can easily overdose not knowing how much they are taking in.

This can allow the kids to carry booze all over with them, and not be a bit suspected. How tragic.

Be Careful of what children are eating.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Break?! Ya Right...

You know teachers certainly have a twisted sense of humor. Its fall break, the teachers have plans with family and friends to have a blast all the while they pile up papers and HW for us students to complete on fall break. As if we don't have plans and do not want to enjoy ourselves.

Even trying to simply forget about it is useless. I know we all get those feelings when we are having fun one sec and then the feeling of overwhelming Homework swamps over us. UGHHHH TEACHERS

You would think they would remember what it felt like; What is feels like with all the HW sometimes. They were student once upon a time, after all.

We should be able to have fun!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Break

YAAAAYYYAAA congrats to all of us. Fall break has finally arrived!!!

After all the hard work of the first quarter of school I know i couldn't for fall break. 

Soooooo Since fall break has not yet started for me, I can not really say much about it yet only that I hope it to be very relaxing and fun. 

Ill be sure to let you guys know what is to happen in my fall break as it occurs. 

May you all have a fun fall break

Friday, October 7, 2011

Study Abroad

The world is a vast realm of learning. It is full of culture, diversity, and different ideas and areas to visit and learn. Colleges throughout the world have set up programs to offer students chances to explore the world, not only in a fun way but also in a learning and experiencing manner. 

Daniel F. Diaz was the guest speaker who came to introduce us to the Study Abroad programs in Guilford College today in class. He had many beautiful things to say about the program. He also brought along some students that had attended one of the programs. These students brought along a slideshow which showed the magnificent views. It was very good insight, it was as if we had just traveled through the magnificent world. It was very attractive and convincing.

I also have a friend at Guilford College who is a senior this year and that went to one of the study abroad programs. She speaks very highly of it, says that it is lots of fun, and very educational as well. It is a great experience to have, and a great conversation starter. I am already sold to studying abroad the question is where is it I want to explore? With this question I will head to Mr. Daiz for help, and hopefully from there begin my journey.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bryan Series

The clock struck 5:00 and the feeling of guilt began to overwhelm everyone. We all needed to hurry! We must be there in time! The bus was going to leave us behind, ohh how overwhelming it was.

Luckily we made it in time, got on the bus and took our seats, ready for out adventure through down town. On Oct 4th of this month there was a hosting of the Bryan Series organization of Guilford in the Greensboro Coliseum.

This months speaker was Tony Blair the former prime minister of Great Britain. He is also the Quartet Representative to the Middle East.

Being that I am a Palestinian from the Middle East, I was very excited to see what Blair had to say. However to my dismay he didn't not really mention the situation. It was a mere touch up, not in the depth I hoped. 

Security on the Coliseum was not that great, it was extremely mild. The thing is that

"Subscriptions for the 2011-12 Bryan Series are sold out, with more than 1,900 purchased for five events beginning in October. This is the third time in four years that subscriptions have been sold out."

Weird Right?

Well anyway, for those of you who attended what did u think of the speech and those who didn't better luck next time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Justice I tell you!!! What more do humans want in this world!!!! Without justice there is no humanity!
Speaking of justice I can not but help and think of Troy Davis. A man convicted(1989) and executed (2011) for the alleged killing of an off-duty police officer.  Oh my so many questions one can not help but ask, but wonder!

Because there is so much to be said and so many opinions about Mr.Davis BUS features a discussion/debate on this matter. Come out today to see:

BUS Features...
The Trial and Death of Troy Davis
At the meeting we want to focus on questions such as..... 
Was his death justified or should the verdict be questioned?
Does his conviction and death sentence  show how race plays a major part in the US justice system?
Answer these questions and more at the next BUS meeting!
Wednesday, October 5 @ 3:15 in KING 128
Even if you do not know anything about Troy Davis, Still come out and hear the opinions and learn the facts.
To add to the discussion feel free to bring your laptop to view the many comments made the night of death on Facebook and Twitter.

Look for these flyers and come submit and listen to opinions:


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Future!!!! Oh My

Growing up and going to college means I am now on the hunt for a future. Where better to start that to compile my resume. However I have only just began my independence journey what could I possibly have to put on a resume. Well, the assistants in college make that quiet simple. The college has even set up a site to help us begin our journey of a resume. This site is called Digication, and what we start is our E-Portfolio. Digication allows users to create a community that can learn and grow both inside and outside the classroom.

E- Portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. The fact that is online ensures that it will not be tampered with unless it is by you, and that it will not get lost. The user has the choice of publishing it on the web to the public, or just leaving it him/her self.

This is a fantastic idea! To stay on top of matters, and be able to begin the experience of compiling my treasures of college is great. I have never heard of any such site before, this will truly be my first. I do look forward to using it; it definitely looks like a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


A flying 175 hard plastic disk soaring through the air, striving to travel from point A to point B without interruptions. Such a magnificent feeling when the disk successfully accomplishes its task. Such an amazing feeling when the athlete catches it so swiftly.
The sport in description is known as Ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee was first introduced to me on the day of orientation by a fellow freshman in college.  Frisbee was an  all-time favorite family get together. I had never known that it was an official sport. What a mind blowing realization! Of course I was initially ecstatic; I had finally found something that I actually have played before. Time flew by, and the team practice was right around the corner. What I witnessed after this was astonishing. It was not merely disk throwing, but this sport had rules, techniques, and was like any other sport out there- very competitive. I was somewhat let down, watching the team play so fluently just made realize that I may not be the one for this sport. I was not about to give up, I mean I had just showed up, hence, my involvement with the other fellow teammates. I grab myself a Frisbee and slowly began to learn the techniques, and believe it or not my fear had vanished. It was fun and energizing. I was receiving a workout along with an hour or so of fun. After first practice I had realized my quick judgment of the sport was wrong. I needed to give everything a chance, even the smallest of matters. With this knowledge acquired I hope to try out to other sports, organizations or clubs regardless of how ridicules it might seem. That’s the whole point of college, is it not, the learning and acquiring of new beliefs and views of matters.

To be competle honest though, it is quiet hard to juggle fun and work at the same time. I have personally had a hard time. So anyone that is involved in sth out there, just make sure that you manage your time well!!!! 
Gd Luck  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shocking News In Guilfordian!!!!

Reading the September edition of the Guilfordian I could not help but notice the article about one of the professors. I was bewildered, confused, I couldn’t seem to form a thought about it. It certainly was not a complementary article but rather an unpleasant allegation.

The title itself was a shock: “Guilford Professor arrested, faces secret-peeping charges”. I could not believe my eyes and ears, is this serious? I am a freshman here in college and the idea of one of the professors being a pervert was not welcoming news.

Reading along on through the article I learned that the professor had used a camera pen. A pen is something that a professor should have in his hand/ pocket at all times. How could an object so common, an object used in productivity be twisted and violated to be a matter of wrongfulness.

I also came across the fact that this the professor had in fact more disturbing media on his computer. With this in mind I could not help but wonder why nobody had picked up on that vibe. This makes me angry. A sexual offender being on the Guilford campus, that same campus that is valued for being honest, equal, and safe! I would understand if this offense was committed by an outsider, as in not a professor, but the fact that it is a professor I cannot but help and hold the college responsible.

This just proves to all of us students that professors are not always who they seem. People are not who they seem. We can never know anyone too well and there is no such thing as a perfect human being.

Friday, September 16, 2011

FUn On campus

Despite all the Homework we had, we still decided to go to bingo. It was my first time playing bingo. Go on have your laugh. But it truly was. And it was fantastic!!!

I had seen bingo on TV, played by the elderly for fun, so I had the concept in mind. The program yesterday was hosted in the community center. A sort of lounge area, with a half wooden floor half carpet, kind of like a dance floor I guess; not sure why it was designed as such.
The crowd was not too big, but it was big enough to have fun :)

The prizes where amazing, they included four movies, cannot remember all of them but I definitely know one of them was Harry Potter and the Half Blooded-Prince. Amazing movie! Of course you can not watch a movie without popcorn and so there were four popcorn thingys.There were also four $10 Starbucks gift cards, and a one $15 subway card. There was also two football swag combos, lol, no its not food. This included a miniature, soft football, a towel, and a gym bag. All themed for the panthers, Go panthers!!!
And last but not least there was the board game Apples to Apples which was the big finale, and lets not forget the yummy chocolate and candy in the magic color changing cups.

We played a variety of bingo games, ranging from corners, borders, X, and traditional game. I personally did not win :( Sad I know. But somebody from our group won Apples to Apples, and she just so happens to be a couple of doors down from me. Yipppppeeee. (I don't even know how to play, but YAAAAYYYY)

This was brought to us by the OSLE, and CAB trying to always keep the students engaged and having fun. Trying to help smooth the transition to college life.

This blog was brought to you by Dell, Blogspot, and My Fingers. Hehehehe

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The lovely Food!

The cafeteria at Guilford is located in founders, shown above.  It is basically an open buffet. Which is awesome!!! All you have to do is swipe a card and eat all you can. However sometimes its the same thing over and over which becomes frustrating. The even better part is there is a grill-which has more variety choices, and the Quakeria- which is your choice of pizza, and for a college/school its not that bad.

What I really do love in the cafeteria is that they accommodate the many different backgrounds of people. Whether your a vegetarian, vegan or simply picky there is always something for you. I being a Muslim there are some things I can not eat, like bacon,ham, or any sort of pork. That is why I make good use of the vegetarian section in some aspects.

However if you are really picky eater, or do not like the food provided, then there is a McDonald, Chick-fil-A, Mexican, Chinese, the Carolina Diner, and much more right across the street of Guilford. 

So fellow students there are many varieties it only requires an effort.  :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Guilford's Sanctuary

There comes times when one actually wants to study in the college, and when that time approaches it is good to a nice a quiet place to do so.
The path to the great sanction... Oh la la la

The great entrance

Within the sanction:

Wide area 


Bunch of Books

More Computers

And the reference desk, for anyone that needs help

World Wide 

Awesome chair

Quiet Area

Path to free successes 

Dearly beloved....

Take it from me, when you have a quiet place to study and free resources available to succeed please make the best of them and use them!!!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ladies and Gentleman!!!!! Welcome everyone to the grand opening of my blogging!!!! In here you will find a lot of fun interesting things about my freshman year of college! Or at least I think so! The first topic I would like to lay on you guys is the hardest part of college to many of us. That would be the transition from a family friendly living environment to the dry ugly dorm living. One important factor that could be the jam on the peanut butter, the cheese on the nachos, the cherry on a sundae,the..... OK  you get it, is having a decent/close to good relationship with your roommate. You all know that you live with a another person , right?! Oh well that was the ice breaker for you guys.
Let me introduce you to my roommate:

Looking a bit out of it, yes I know. It was a long day at the library, so bear with us here...

This is Hannah. We both came from the same country, I guess that in a way is kind of helpful. We almost have the same ethics and standards, for now at least. We have grown very close:

AWWWW So Much Love :P

However when we have our moments, and we all know that happens often here is something you shouldn't do:

You must rather approach it in a calm and calm way, like such:

I'm kidding seriously, the first thing you want to do if a matter comes up that you don't feel comfortable about, is to talk to your roommate. Maybe try to come to an agreement.

Look at her she is not even listening to me!!!! Do you blame me!?

But if your roommate is hard headed like mine, Then you should use a different method:

Don't be fooled, I was going for a choker.. Muhahahaha


If approaching her/him is not working. Then maybe you would want to talk to your RA. Or even try to have somebody else reason with her. Hopefully you will come to an agreement and it will be settled. 
However in the unlikeness that all that didn't work, then:

Off with her!!!!
No but seriously, roommates can be good/best friends....

Hope everyone enjoyed, and if you didn't well then too bad for you :P Jk
NICE and HELPFUL comments are most welcomed....